What is Birth Photography?

I will start with what Birth Photography is NOT. 

It is not a bunch of images of blood and gore. It is not a gallery of images of Mama-to-be with crazy eyes cursing her husband to the bowels of hell, and it certainly is not a bunch of images from “south of the border”, in other words, women’s private parts.  In fact, a Birth Photographer can provide an entire gallery of images with absolutely none of that (well, maybe a little blood on the baby if he/she is birthed naturally). But otherwise, nope, birth photography doesn’t have to have any of that other stuff, if you don’t want. 

What birth photography really is,

is a photo-journalistic collection of what Mama-to-be and her partner, be it Dad, a significant other, or even her best friend, go through during the course of bringing a new baby into this world. This includes times of sitting and listening to music to stay relaxed, getting a massage from your husband or birth partner to help relieve some of the pain, or the more frenzied moments during a contraction. Or maybe it’s a home birth and you already have kids, and maybe these kids will come and go out of curiosity, or give you a hug to comfort you. This is all captured by a birth photographer, to tell your baby’s Birth Story.   And of course, birth photography also includes the actual birthing process when you, Mama-to-be, get to show off your SUPER POWERS!  

A birth photographer captures

the raw emotion and amazing moments of calm, focus, strength, determination, and ultimately excitement, relief, and pure joy, when you see your baby for the first time. And there are so many other once in a lifetime moments that can be captured such as baby’s first cry, when you get to hold your new baby for the very first time, cutting the umbilical cord, first measurements, and on and on… Sure, MAYBE Dad will be quick enough to grab a cell phone picture of some of this, but probably not.  

So, in a nutshell, this is what Birth Photography is. Kind of cool, right? I thought so too! What an incredible story to capture and memory to have forever.  For that reason, I decided to make a small pivot in my photography journey, and work towards becoming a Certified Birth Photographer! This training not only includes online instruction, but actual birth photography work as well.  So, if you, or someone you know, is expecting in these next few months, I would love the privilege to document your baby’s Birth Story. If this is you, I am currently running a birth photography promotion as I work toward finalizing my certification. For more information, send me message HERE and we can chat about documenting the GREATEST story you will EVER create!